What We Talk About When We Talk About War
Portal Course ENG188
MWF 10:10 to 11:00 COPH335
Dr. Ficociello * Thomas 109C: Office hours M-W-F 11:15-12:15, M 2:45-3:45 by appointment
ficociellor2@unk.edu *Office Phone X8295
Required Texts:
1. Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried
2. Julie Otsuka When The Emperor Was Divine
3. Will Eisner The Last Day in Vietnam
4. Joseph Boyden Three Day Road
5. Contemporary media outlets: CNN, PBS and Fox. NY Times, USA Today, and Al Jazeera.
Film possibilities, which are subject to change and elimination: Dr. Strangelove, Apocalypse Now, In the Valley of Elah, Stop Loss, Manufacturing of Consent.
6. TaskStream is an electronic portfolio application that allows students to upload and share selected work via the Web. Students must subscribe to TaskStream as part of their General Studies program. Materials uploaded to TaskStream are used as part of course GS requirements. They also are evaluated and used in our university’s accreditation reports.
Here is the link for students to follow to purchase TaskStream: http://www.taskstream.com
The Antelope bookstore will also sell TaskStream accounts at the check-out counter, in case students wish to purchase their account in person.